The pyramid says a lot, but mainly ‘you can’t out-train a bad diet’. Proper nutrition is the foundation for our success in and out of the gym and it’s a lifestyle choice. There is no easy answer or magic bullet. Only education and consistently sound choices every day will sustain a lifestyle of proper nutrition. Nutrition also shouldn’t become an obsession that inhibits your daily life. Everyone lets loose from time to time and shares some birthday cake or ice cream with friends. Finding the happy medium is the key to achieving your goals, and we want to help you find that medium.
A big part of our gym culture is to be all inclusive and welcome anyone who walks through our doors. Whether it’s their very first CrossFit class or they’re visiting from out of town, everyone deserves to feel comfortable during their workout with us. Ashley embodies that attitude. Always with a warm and friendly smile she makes hard workouts a little more bearable. And she’s always one of the first to introduce herself to a new face and make them feel at home. Don’t let her pint-size fool you though. She’s strong and can bust out Fran in under 5 minutes. We’re grateful to have Ashley and her family as part of the Mudtown community. Enjoy this interview!
Member since: We joined Crossfit Mudtown Memorial Day 2016. Our first workout was Murph.
What do you do for a living? My previous career was as a School Counselor, specifically elementary and middle school. I’m doing my favorite job now… staying at home with my two boys.
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout? We were living in North Carolina when Hank started Crossfit first (we actually lived at the 400m turnaround point). I was going to the local gym for spin classes but I got jealous because Hank was making friends and I wasn’t.
How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend? We try to go 3-5 days a week to the 4:30pm or 5:30pm class
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Air squats:) and any body weight workout
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Snatches
What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown? The friendships and the childcare keep me coming back.
Most embarrassing/funniest gym moment? My most embarrassing gym moment has been I’ve tripped twice over my shoelaces on the 400 meter run…. but as of last week it was when my child threw-up in the middle of the nutritional seminar.
Favorite thing about Birmingham? We’ve moved a lot and I’ve always said that I would love to raise my kids here. Birmingham is so family oriented and has great schools.
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)? I’m proud Hank and I have survived 9 moves in 10 years and the family that we’ve made. Inside the gym I’m proud that I finally got another bar muscle up (waited up there for 12 minutes for Hank to get one).
What is your favorite meal? Red Wine:)
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit? I love to travel and spending time with family.
What is one goal that you are currently working on? Improving my double-unders.
Do you have a hidden talent? I don’t have any hidden talents- I’m really boring.
Tell us a fun/interesting fact not many people know about you. I was on a sinking cruise ship in Santorini Greece. We made it off safe, but lost all luggage and personal belongings. Makes for a great story over my favorite meal (see above).
Get ready for a food overhaul! Our annual healthy eating challenge will focus on eating real, whole foods for 6 weeks. Here are the deets…
We all have different goals or aspirations when it comes to our health and physique, but the major point of a nutrition challenge is to demonstrate that changing your nutrition will lead to long-term, sustainable improvements in health and fitness. During this challenge we want you to focus on building habits and creating a positive attitude toward feeding your body. Your thoughts create your feelings, your feelings create your behaviors, and those behaviors reinforce your thoughts. It doesn’t start with food, it starts with how you think about food.
Phase 1 – First 2 weeks. Focus on eating real food. Overall no dairy, grains, sugar or alcohol (see food list below for more details). Don’t worry about amounts to much yet. Eat these foods until you’re full 3-5 times per day. If it helps to have a visual look at your plate in sections: ¼ protein, ¼ starchy carbs, ½ non starchy veggies. Add in a little fat and and some fruit if you want and you’re good. We’ll get into more specific amounts of food in next phase. Begin tracking food in MyFitnessPal app.
Phase 2 – Next 4 weeks. Focus on quality and quantity. Dialing in portions and adjusting to fit personal goals/needs. Adjust MFP or use Zone blocks as guides.
Post-Challenge. Find what works for you, add back a few ‘exceptions’ and focus on your attitude towards food. Continue to ask for help and use Facebook group for support.
Getting started:
Kick-off meeting and measurements – January 11th @ 5:30. A full packet of information will be provided at the nutrition meeting including worksheets to track your points.
Body metrics: weight, measurements, body fat*, blood work*
Daily eating points: following the food list showing what to eat and what not to eat (see below) you will earn points every day. You are in charge of keeping track of your points using the worksheets provided. This is on the HONOR system. We trust your integrity and know you’ll award the proper number, but if you’re not sure ask a coach.
4= perfect day
3= one minor slip, but not entire meal (one bite of something, cream in coffee, used a little ketchup)
2= major slip, but not entire meal (full portion/serving of non-approved food, ate slice of bread/cheese/cookie, glass of milk)
1= an entire meal went bad (ate pizza and had a cookie for dinner)
0= more than one meal went bad throughout the day (you went off the rails for dinner then went out for drinks)
Daily bonus points (earned everyday):
1= followed through with habit of choice (ex: eat veggie at breakfast. This can change week to week or stay the same)
1= worked out
1= did romwod
1= tracked all food in MyFitnessPal app
Overall bonus points (earned once):
10 = body fat tested*
10 = blood work done*
10 = Complete an approved fitness endeavor outside of the gym (race, lifting comp, cf comp, etc.). Talk to a coach if you have an idea of what you’d like to do.
*Body fat testing will be provided at the gym by Driven Fitness Lab using their Bodpod. Cost is $50 and covers two tests, one at the beginning and end. Bodpod comes to the gym each time. January 10th, 4-7pm and January 15th, 4-6pm.
*Blood work is $35/test done at Arcpoint Labs. Workup includes: lipid panel (HDL, LDL, total), glucose serum, height, weight and blood pressure. Call (205) 582-4055 to schedule appointment. Must be completed by January 17th.
Weekly meetings at the gym for 30 minutes – Monday’s @ 6pm
Weekly emails/blog posts with important info, tips and recipes
Potluck at the end to show-off our fancy cooking skills and recipes
All members who earn 4’s for their daily eating points the first two weeks will receive a $10 coupon good towards merchandise at the gym.
The final winners of the challenge will be determined by points, benchmark wod, and changes in body measurements.
1st Place:
1 month membership
$250 cash
2nd Place:
1 month membership
$100 cash
3rd Place:
1 month membership
$75 cash
We’re excited to take this nutrition journey with you! Please get signed up today to participate or if you have questions respond to this email or ask a coach.
November is a time to focus on gratitude. Though we should make it a priority every day, we start to think about it more with the Thanksgiving holiday approaching. We sure are grateful for these two. George and his lovely bride Donna are a gem to this gym community. We all look up to George and Donna. They have so many attributes we all can aspire to; capable because they don’t let age get in the way of trying something new and uncomfortable; amiable because they are warm and kind to everyone they meet; supportive, of each other and their fellow gym mates. We could go on, but we know you need to get on with your day. George is coming up on his two year anniversary with CrossFit Mudtown and Donna is just over a year in. We are so proud of their progress and can’t wait to see what the future holds for them.
Member since:
Donna: August 2016
George: January 2016
What do you do for a living?
D: I teach Environmental Science at Spain Park High School
G: I manage a small pest control company for Wayne’s Environmental Services.
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout?
D: George tried for months to talk me into coming, and I finally gave in. My first workout was “Fight Gone Bad”. I almost didn’t come back.
G: My 50th birthday was in December of 2015. I told Donna that I wanted to get back in shape and become healthy. I had seen the “crazy” crossfitters running down the road and was intrigued. I was looking for a gym close to my house. My first workout (run 200m, 15-12-9 sq-pu-su, 200 meters). It took me 7mins and 44 seconds. Halfway through the workout I thought I had made a big mistake (joining CrossFit). I hurt so bad-I couldn’t talk afterward- honestly. (By the way- my first onramp class was on January 11th 2016 at 7pm. I’m a big Bama fan. The kickoff of the National Championship game Bama vs Clemson was at 7:15pm. It was a test – thank goodness for DVR’s. I had to ignore my phone as I watched the game delayed.)
How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend?
D: 3 days a week to the 6:30pm class
G: 3 days per week. Usually 6:30pm.
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout?
D: I like back squats and dead lifts. Doesn’t everybody like those? 🙂
G: I really don’t have a favorite movement- although there are some movements that I dislike less than others. I seem to semi-enjoy deadlifts.
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout?
D: I hate double-unders because I can’t do them at all and can’t imagine a day when I’ll be able to do them.
G: Anything over my head. Overhead squats, snatch, jerk, wall balls etc.
What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown?
D: I love seeing the people and working out with my buddies. I love all of my coaches! You guys are the GREATEST!!! I also have numerous chronic back issues, but I feel better than I have felt in decades really.
G:After the first month of crossfit-I lost weight, my clothes started fitting better, I slept better and I physically felt better. I began looking forward to working out and also looked forward to that feeling of accomplishment I was getting after the workout. The gym family at Mudtown is outstanding. We love the fellowship and comradery we get and have made many great new friends.
Favorite thing about Birmingham?
D: Birmingham is big enough without being TOO big of a city. I love living in Cahaba Heights!
G: Mild winters, southern hospitality
Most embarrassing/funniest gym moment?
G: Maybe a month into CrossFit I was doing a workout of 3 rounds for time. After completing the first round(and just about dying) I thought I was done. So I yelled out loudly- “TIME!!!” Danny looked at me and said “Ahh- you have two more rounds to go.” After the workout was over- somebody said ” Who was the joker that yelled “TIME” really quick? I looked around at the crowd and said- ha, not sure who that was.
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)?
D: Like most parents, we are most proud of our son Cole who is 18 and will be attending Auburn next fall. If I let him leave.
G: My beautiful wife and son- God has blessed me tremendously!
What is your favorite meal?
D: Unfortunately, chicken fettuccine alfredo. Very healthy stuff!!
G: Meatloaf and mashed potatoes w gravy and sweet tea (sorry Billy)
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit?
D: I love the outdoors.
G: Golf and cooking.
What is one goal that you are currently working on?
D: Pull ups. I think I will feel cool when I can do at least one pull up!!
Do you have a hidden talent?
D: Not really. I sing. I’ve sung in choirs my whole life. Not very hidden though. Oh I do make the absolute best heath bar cookies!! Not Paleo or Vegan though.
G: I can recognize celebrities voices on television commercials.
Tell us a fun/interesting fact not many people know about you.
D: George and I were next door neighbors after college. That’s how we met. One of my roommates at the time was totally in love with George, but obviously that didn’t work out – for her! We on the other hand have been married 24 years! 🙂 Worked out well for me.
If it’s 6:00am at CrossFit Mudtown, you can bet Lindsey will be there. For the past year and half that’s been her go-to class time. Rarely taking more than two days off! Staying consistent and patient in the process, Lindsey has gained so much strength and overall fitness. She’s a quiet (but confident) leader in the gym and we’re lucky to have her in the community.
Member since: April 2106
What do you do for a living? Stay at home Mom and lovin’ it
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout? My brother used to go on and on about CrossFit and I thought “Oh that’s not for me, I could never do that.” A couple years later, my husband decided to give it a try, and being the super competitive person that I am I said “oh no, not without me!” My first workout was CrossFit Total. It was a great workout to have as a starting point to my journey, now I can look back at that and see how far I’ve come.
How many days/week do you CrossFit?What classes do you normally attend? I attend the 6am class 5 days a week, unless mom duties or extreme soreness keep me home 🙂
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Thruster of course
What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown? I never thought I could do CrossFit due to some heart issues I’ve dealt with for most of my life and although I do struggle sometimes, I’m amazed at what I’m capable of these days. I thank God literally everyday on my way to the gym for the privilege of getting to workout. That is what keeps me coming back, and of course the awesome 6am crew that pushes and encourages me! And shout out to my accountability and workout partner Julie McMakin who doesn’t let me skip a day!
Most embarrassing/funniest gym moment? It was back squat Monday. Mid squat I realized the weight was too heavy and I couldn’t stand back up. Instead of bailing out, I froze and the barbell rolled all the way down my back and onto the floor. Luckily, no one was injured.
Favorite thing about Birmingham? I love all the outdoor activities. My family and I enjoy camping, playing disc golf, mountain biking, swimming, etc. There’s always something to do.
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)? In the gym: pull ups and I just recently got chest-to-bar pull ups! Outside the gym: Being a wife and mom. God has a way of changing our plans to His plans and making life better than we could imagine.
What is your favorite meal? Chicken Shawarma from Eli’s Jerusalem Grill
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit? Going to the beach, working on house projects with Forrest, and playing board games with anyone who will play!
What is one goal that you are currently working on? Still working on getting 5 strict pull-ups. I’m up to 2 so far.
Do you have a hidden talent? I can wiggle my ears
Tell us a fun/interesting fact not many people know about you. While in the Coast Guard I was a crane operator, which I actually thoroughly enjoyed.
Casey could compete for the championship belt in many categories at the gym and in life. Funniest, hardest working, most dedicated, most loyal, skinniest adult male, best snatcher, best softball player-coach, the list goes on and on.
In all seriousness Casey is the type of person you want in your corner and on your team. He is going to win or work hard until he does. He sets lofty goals and pursues them with an aggressive passion that not many people possess. Simply put, Casey fulfills the mantra, “You can accomplish anything you set your mind to.” He’s a great friend to many at the gym and we are lucky to have him in our community.
Back for a little humor… the below interview from Casey is funny, but this link is epic.
Love you Casey, Ric, Sturg… keep on trucking!
Member since: August 2015
What do you do for a living? I sell things—mostly legal. It’s a good way to meet new people and build relationships.
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout? I heard about CrossFit when I was in college, but I did not give it a chance until 2 years ago. A friend of mine was looking for someone to start it with, and I told him I’d give him 2 months, and then he was on his own. I haven’t stopped. My first workout involved 200-meter runs, squats and sit-ups, I think.
How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend? I usually get in 4-5 days each week. I mostly attend the evening classes, but I’m a wildcard. I could show up at any time.
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Grace
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Workouts with lots of deadlifts.
What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown? I want to curl as much asBrian Warwick. His biceps are super. Have you seen them? I can’t miss any days. He’s doing curls right now, I know it.
Most embarrassing/funniest gym moment? Here’s the thing. It’s always been my dream to dunk a basketball on a regulation-sized goal. I’ve
thought about buying those jump shoes in the Eastbay catalogue; they seem totes legit. I like to test my progress by jumping and trying to touch things. There’s a crossbeam at Mudtown that’s probably around 9.5 feet high. I try to jump and touch it when no one’s around or looking, but I’ve been caught several times. Tyler Destefano in particular has seen me do this a lot. He’s very encouraging. He’s all like, “Not even close,” or he just giggles at me like a child. He’s the best.
Favorite thing about Birmingham? The proximity to so many other cool cities like Atlanta, Chattanooga, Memphis and Nashville.
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)? 100 double-unders unbroken. Worked a long time on those.
What is your favorite meal? Steak with baked beans, macaroni and cheese, and cornbread.
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit? You know, I’m pretty typical: I like lunar eclipses, solar eclipses, time travel, botany, a cool glass of Zima on a neon-lit balcony overlooking Daytona Beach during spring break, and practicing karate and wrestling moves with my friends. But, for reals, I just like to laugh and make people laugh. That’s all.
What is one goal that you are currently working on? I want to snatch 185 lbs.
Do you have a hidden talent? I can recite Mike Gundy’s 2007 “I’m a man” Oklahoma State post-game press conference. But the moment has to be right, so don’t ask me to do it during the 6:30 class.
Tell us a fun/interesting fact not many people know about you. I enrolled at the University of Texas-Austin for graduate school, and I picked out an apartment before driving through Alabama and changing my mind. Lucky you.
What do you do for a living? Right now I work at Seasons 52 but perpetual student is a more accurate description.
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout? I had friends introduce me to CrossFit years ago and to be honest I cannot remember what it was. But it probably had to do with box jumps which took me months to be able to learn the coordination of.
How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend? 3 days a week/ and it just depends on my work schedule. I’ve visited almost every class time except 6 am. I don’t do mornings.
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Chippers in general. I also really love rowing and cleans.
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Snatches and overhead squat. Mostly because I’m terrible at them.
What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown? I always tell people I’m not an athlete. But what I love about CrossFit is that with every workout I get better, faster, and stronger. I also will never accomplish it. So I keep coming and finding challenges to work at. I appreciate Mudtown because the attention to form and solid coaching and community makes me proud to be apart of.
Favorite thing about Birmingham? I love the hidden talent Birmingham holds. I have met so many aspiring musicians and artists. It’s like an underground treasure
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)? My first pull-up during the Open.
What is your favorite meal? Tacos of every variety
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit? I travel a lot. If I’m not in a different country at least once a year something is horribly wrong.
What is one goal that you are currently working on? Trying to get accepted to grad school. I’m convinced it’s more work than the actual schooling.
Do you have a hidden talent? Not at all lol
Tell us a fun/interesting fact not many people know about you. I cannot whistle for the life of me.
Chris shows us day in and day out what consistency looks like. Rain or shine Chris is at the gym 5+ days/week. Six months ago we hosted a healthy eating challenge and Chris went on to loose 30 pounds while simultaneously making strength gains. He has the willpower to push past the comfort zone in workouts which helps drive him toward his fitness goals. You might define him as the strong, silent type, but he has a big heart and cares about his friends and family deeply. We’re grateful to have Chris at our gym. What would we do without his signature longhorn sweat marks on the gym floor (see picture below)!
Member since: February 2016
What do you do for a living? I am a police officer with the city of Fultondale. I’ve been in law enforcement for almost 3 years, having started in the City of Fairfield for 2 of the 3 years.
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout? I was searching for something other than your typical gym and came across CrossFit. My first workout I can’t remember for certain, but I do know it was some kind of Chipper consisting of 5-6 movements at 30 reps of each movement. I remember there being a lot of squats and power cleans and push press.
How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend? I have been consistent with going 5 days and try to work in 6 days on my new work schedule. I am usually an early afternoon guy the first part of the week and a morning guy the last part of the week. However I have cherry picked some workouts depending on the coach due to the warm up (joking of course).
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Movement I have grown to love is the snatch due to it’s technical nature and being one of my weaker lifts. I can really see how I have been able to improve throughout the year. I don’t really have a favorite workout, however you throw in heavy weights with the workout and I will enjoy it. It helps put me be level with some of the others in the gym that are really good at metcon workouts.
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Movement is most definitely burpees. I hate them, but know they are a necessity so I will do them when needed. And workout, throw any metcon involving burpees and box jumps and I know I am in for a long session.
What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown? Mudtown is hands down the best CrossFit box I have been a part of. All the coaches and all the members have created an amazing non-intimidating atmosphere to be able to enjoy going day in and day out. All the coaches have been amazingly accommodating and do a great job of taking time to listen and talk with me about my goals and how I can accomplish them. I keep coming back for the pain, lol. Honestly I have set lofty goals for myself over the next 2 years and I know only through dedication and hard work and steady attendance can I obtain those goals. And once again the coaches have been amazing helping me on my journey.
Favorite thing about Birmingham? I would say that I have an amazing support group of family and friends outside of the gym. They are all here local and to me that has been one of the greatest blessings in my life.
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)? Outside: I would say my collegiate career. I was able to play football and throw the javelin for my college team (albeit at a smaller level). Despite my size and position I was able to be a sixth man of the bench for two years and start for two years in football at the college level. And one of the things I am most proud of would be winning a Conference Championship in javelin as a junior in college.
What is your favorite meal? Chicken Wings hands down. My dad is great at frying them up for me and my friends on occasion for big games and events that we try to get together for.
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit? Shooting. Getting paid to go to the range is pretty nice. Golfing however I haven’t had the time I would like to hit the links. Watching sports, Go UK Wildcats! And playing basketball and softball.
What is one goal that you are currently working on? I have set a 2 year goal to be competitive for the 2018 games, and hope to at least compete for a spot in regionals, however I would settle for helping Mudtown send a team to regionals.
Do you have a hidden talent? I honestly can’t think of a hidden talent off the top of my head.
Tell us a fun/interesting fact not many people know about you. I was born and raised in Kentucky hence the Wildcats obsession, and moved here when I was 10. Most people have trouble answering what position I played in football in college (Offensive Line). At 5-10 225 I don’t blame them, but my playing weight was between 265-270. I may have been small but I was the meanest one on the field, and I am extremely competitive so I would do everything in my power to make sure I would beat the person across from me. A lot of that has carried over to the gym (I know I will smirk and put 5 pounds more than what say… Clint may have done on a upper body lift earlier in the morning just because of my competitiveness).
We love us some Jenn! Her one year anniversary of starting CrossFit is coming up this July and what a year it’s been. The confidence in herself has soared (along with her deadlift weight) and her drive to do better just continues to increase. When she first started she said, “I want amazing arms.” Well, lots of gym hours, hard work and nutrition changes later and her arms are amazing, but more importantly – they are strong, SHE is strong!
Before and after picture – checkout those guns!
Member since: July 2016
What do you do for a living? I am a supervisor over an in-home program that works with children and families for a local non-profit.
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout? I first heard about CrossFit through Josh. We watched the re-runs of the 2015 games and I thought it looked pretty neat (and intimidating). Then one day Josh announced that he was going to try out a new CrossFit gym. I decided to give it a shot since I wasn’t really doing much at the gym I was a member of already. My first workout was a fun combination of deadlifts and rowing.
How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend? Usually 4-5 days per week and I’m usually at the 6pm class.
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout? My favorite movement is snatches and I like any workout that includes snatches or squat snatches. I like the movement because it’s challenging but also really fun.
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout? I dread anything that requires me to run…and the warm up usually includes a run…so I dread the warm-up? Just kidding, I would say my least favorite movement would be the strict press, mostly because I’m so bad it.
What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown? I’ve seen a lot of progress since I first started a year ago in my strength and endurance. Each time I come, I know that I am going to be challenged, and I’ve really grown to look forward to the WODs (even the ones that include running and strict presses) as CFM has taught me to “get comfortable with the uncomfortable.” Finally the community and coaches are top notch! Everyone is really kind and encouraging while also pushing you to be better than you were the day before. It’s a great place to try new things without the fear of being judged. I’ve made some pretty fantastic friends along the way, and as an extrovert, community is important to me!
Most embarrassing/funniest gym moment? I have the habit of catching equipment with my face…wall balls, kettlebells, jump rope…you name it.
Favorite thing about Birmingham? I really like the summers here, there is a lot to do, great food, and we aren’t far from the beach!
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)? TOES TO BAR! Outside of the gym I guess I would say I’m most proud of obtaining my MSW a few years back.
What is your favorite meal? A steak covered in blue cheese and mushrooms with a side of mashed potatoes, a glass (or 12) of red wine, and cheesecake…..not that I put a lot of thought into that or anything.
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit? I’m a big fan of movies. I also like to hike and be outdoors, travel and play board games. I’m also interested in indoor bouldering…so whoever wants to go out one night, I’m game!
What is one goal that you are currently working on? The elusive pull-up.
Do you have a hidden talent? If I do, I haven’t found it yet…
Tell us a fun/interesting fact not many people know about you: I’ve flown a plane before, I didn’t land it, but maybe one day I’ll be able to fly one from take off to landing!
CrossFit Kids is a method for teaching Greg Glassman’s CrossFit to children ages 3-18. Based on the principle of Mechanics, Consistency and then Intensity, CrossFit Kids emphasizes good movement throughout childhood and adolescence. Consistently good mechanics translates to physical literacy, enhanced sports performance and fewer sports injuries for kids. Not only that, a vast body of research indicates that exercise is beneficial to cognitive function, which means consistent adherence to the program can have a positive impact on children’s academic achievement.
CrossFit Kids is meant to be BIG fun for all ages. Broad-Inclusive-General fun. Fun means we provide an active alternative to sedentary pursuits, which means less childhood obesity and all-around better health for our children. Further, the needs of second graders and high-school varsity wrestlers differ by degree and not kind; the program is scalable for any age or experience level and accounts for the varied maturation status one can find in a class full of kids. CrossFit Kids is designed to be minimalist; it is inexpensive and often requires little or no equipment, allowing a wide array of socioeconomic groups an opportunity to be physically fit and physically active throughout their lives.
CrossFit Mudtown is a licensed CrossFit Kids affiliate with properly trained coaches excited to work with your kids.
Class Structure:
Classes are 45 minutes in length and geared towards kids ranging from Kindergarten to 5th Grade. Each class includes a warm-up, a skill of the day and a game. Though these classes are in a group format, your unique child will be challenged on an individual level with all the benefits of a group environment.
Class Schedule:
Wednesdays 3:15-4:00pm
A minimum of 5 kids per session is required. Parents will be notified and reimbursed if we do not meet the minimal requirement.
**Note: There are no make-up classes. Classes will be held at Meadowlawn Park in Cahaba Heights. In the event of inclement weather, classes will be held at CrossFit Mudtown (4125 Autumn Lane Vestavia Hills, AL 35243). Parents will be notified the night before if we plan to relocate the class due to weather.
Payment Plans:
Single Visit/Drop-In… $10
**Family Discount: $8 for each sibling (email [email protected] to receive this discount)
There are no contract requirements for kids. Refunds will not be issued if you register your child for a class, but are unable to make your reservation. Please feel free to contact us if you have a special circumstance that bears consideration.
Click here or hit the “Drop In” button on the top right of our website’s home screen to register. Email [email protected] for help registering.