Amanda Smith –
We really need to get some new members, the options are getting slim for Member Spotlight. Since we are in a little bit of a lull, we have selected Amanda Smith as our Mediocre Member of the Month.
Why so mediocre?
Need someone to demo a movement? Amanda’s conveniently in the bathroom. Trying to keep the gym clean for the next class? Amanda is dumping all the water in Alabama down her shirt. Want to try and set up the fans for even air distribution? Don’t bother, Amanda has created a path of fans from the gym all the way back to her house. Have a social event? Make a place for Amanda to be sleeping by 9pm.
If you do happen to see Amanda at the gym, she will be wearing all black and always have an object between you and her. Its impossible to get within talking range. She may be mute, we will never know. We think she came from Trussville, mediocre.
I’m tired… here it is… Amanda’s interview.
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout? I first heard about
CrossFit through my husband. He had been coming home for a week in weighted vests telling me about flipping tires and carrying sand bags through the snow. Literal snow. My initial response was, ” all of that sounds like the most fun I am uninterested in having.” My first workout was a lot of tabatta movements. We had a game at the end of the workout to see who could hold a plank position the longest. I, unfortunately, had to leave 15 seconds in because I had been re-watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Netflix that week and I was 2 episodes away from the series finale.
How many days do you CrossFit? I usually sign up for all classes during the week, but slowly as the hours creep by, the unsettling anxiety kicks in. That is when my name casually disappears. It’s not uncommon then for the text messages from everyone to start coming in. For example, “I was really looking forward to seeing you,” “Why aren’t you coming?” or my favorite, “I saw that.”
What classes do you normally attend? I try to attend the 5pm, but there are not enough fans
to share in that class. So I brought my own. You know, to overemphasize to my buddies gathering around it, that I, in fact, need this fan or I will die.
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout? My favorite crossfit movement is stretching. There is plenty of time to gossip with the locals when we are all manipulating our bodies in to the number 4. My favorite workout is when they set a time on the clock to start the workout and the clock says that time is over.
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout? My least favorite movement would be running when it is the actual temperature of hell outside. Everyone tends to run like we are doing this for time or something. I have convinced myself that once everyone has run away, I will black out on the pavement and they will not find me. As for my least favorite workout, sometimes I think I can change the numbers of a set or amount of time given by continuously repeating it. For example, the workout could have 10 power cleans in it. “But does it really have 10? or does it say 4? It looks like there is 4 on the board. Are you sure? So 4 right?” The question was what is my least favorite workout? Following directions.
What are some of your interests outside of Crossfit? My interests include incorporating myself into all the lives of the gym members with little to no exercise involved. Just sitting in the air conditioning. Talking to each of them. The people from Crossfit Mudtown were all magically made to be my best friends. Some of them just don’t know it yet.
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)? I feel most accomplished in the gym when the words “No” “Oh gah” or “I am running home” do not come out of my mouth. And in my day to day I am most proud of when the words “No” “Oh gah” or “I am running home” do not come out of my mouth. Those statements tend to filter outside of the gym. So I leave you all with this….”Don’t ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone, for any reason, ever, no matter what. No matter…..where. Or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or….where you have been…ever. For any reason, whatsoever.” -Michael Scott