Amanda Smith
Yesterday we had a little fun with Amanda for a hilarious April Fools joke. Check it out of if you missed it (so funny!). The mediocre member spotlight idea started months ago. Amanda wondered if she would ever get picked for member spotlight. “Can I be picked for mediocre member?” she asked. Of course it was all in good fun. Amanda’s cool like that, she’s comfortable poking fun of herself.
In reality, Amanda does love to crack jokes and is friendly to everyone she meets at the gym. The fan hogging and water dumping does happen, but she cleans up after herself! Amanda is coming up on two years as a Mudtown member and we’re so glad to have her as part of our community.
Member since: June 2015.
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout? I started CrossFit in February 2011. My husband started a few months before me and was coming home everyday excited and motivated. It made me want to be apart of what he was doing. My first workout was 4 rounds of 800 meter row with 35 body squats following.
How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend? I try to make it 3 to 4 times a week, depending on my schedule. I am a wild card. Different
times for different days. That way I am not limiting myself to making friends all throughout the gym.

Favorite CrossFit movement/workout? My favorite crossfit movements are body movements. Squats, sit ups, and burpees. These movements make some people miserable, but when you are short, the distance is not far and I can move pretty quickly through these. As for my favorite workout, it would have to be anything involving these movements, but not mixed with any of my least favorite movements. See question below.
Least favorite crossfit movement/workout? My least favorite movements consist of handstand pushups, GHD sit-ups, double-unders, snatches, and bar muscle ups. Oh, you asked for one
movement and I just kept typing. Well, I can only excel from here! My least favorite workout is 75 snatches for time.

What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown? I can not overemphasize how incredible the group of individuals that own or workout in this gym are. It is an amazing community that I am proud to be apart of.
Most embarrassing/funniest gym moment? Really? I can not keep up with the ridiculous thoughts that actually make it out of my mouth, but there have been multiple times I say something that I am positive will cause an uproar in laughter and we will all exchange glances and high fives because it was so epic. That is not the way it happened. Most people do not want to laugh in the middle of Helen.
Favorite thing about Birmingham? Food and Freedom (insert deep sou
th voice)

What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)? I am most proud of my endurance. Being a mother changes your perspective on life. Quitting is not an option. Being able to do CrossFit empowers me and ironically gives me more energy. It is my attitude that has changed that I am proud of. And all of this is a reflection of me outside of the gym as well. I am proud of my overall confidence in myself and my relationships because of crossfit.
What is your favorite meal? Sushi. Any time. Any day.
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit? You know, my previous interests from the last interview are not all that different. We have become so close to the people here. When I take my daughter out to do stuff around the city, most likely it is alongside our crossfit friends and their children.
What is one goal that you are currently working on? My goal for this ye
ar is a pull up. If I set a goal, I am more inclined to pursue it. It will push me to change my diet and anything else that obscures my path to it.

Do you have a hidden talent? Writing. Is that a talent? Over the years my brother and I have written chapters to a book we eventually want to publish.
Tell us a fun/interesting fact not many people know about you. As much as I loathe running I signed up for my first 10k in November 2011 at Oak Mountain and finished 3rd in my age division. I also competed that year in what was known as an endurance camp. It was 10 crossfit workouts throughout the night, on the hour, every hour. We finished the last workout at 6am as the sun was coming up.