Tyler wears many hats. Business owner, husband, father, friend. But if we had to sum up Tyler in one word, that would be genuine. He loves his family dearly and wants nothing but the best for his friends and our gym community. Earlier this year he won our Muddy Award for Class Clown. So as you can imagine he’s fun to be around and always brings a positive attitude to the gym. Tyler owns the local pub & eatery Blackwell’s in Cahaba Heights. If you haven’t tried his new Paleo Bowl, you must! It’s delicious.
Member since: August 2015
What do you do for a living? Owner of Blackwell’s Pub & Eatery
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout? I first heard about CrossFit from a couple Friends, Fran!
How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend? I try and come 4-6 days a week usually at 5pm, and come on Saturday and bring my wife.
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Deadlifts, Back Squats anything with heavy legs.
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Handstand pushups, Kettlebell Snatches
What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown? All of my friends, family. The relationships I have developed, drive my passion. Having a family of people that continuously push each other towards a common goal.
Most embarrassing/funniest gym moment? Probably the time Brad Castro and I did an entire WOD, dead at the end. And we had loaded our bars 5# less than RX on accident. I was pissed!!
Favorite thing about Birmingham? The FOOD
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)? Owning my own business. My son, he’s the best kid ever.
What is your favorite meal? Steak, any cut of red meat. Beef, Venison, Lamb you name it!
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit? I love to be outdoors, hunting, fishing. Spending time with my wife Jennifer and my son Barrett. I love to cook, and try and become a better chef slinging healthier paleo food.
What is one goal that you are currently working on? MUSCLE UPS!! and a Power Lifting Total 1000#