Nicolle moved to Birmingham from Puerto Rico about six months ago for a fellowship at UAB. An avid CrossFitter already she knew she needed to find a gym-home away from home. We’re so glad she discovered CrossFit Mudtown. She has a fierce work ethic in the gym all while juggling work and life as a mother to Gian Mateo.
Member since: You probably know better than me, but I’m pretty sure it was the end of June 2016.
What do you do for a living? I’m a radiologist born and raised in the beautiful island of PR, and I’m currently doing a one year fellowship (sub-specialty) in abdominal imaging at UAB.
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout? I was a gym freak, until Carlos, my boyfriend, who had been doing CrossFit for almost a year convinced me to go and give it a try. Since then, I’ve never gone back to the gym!! My first WOD was:
How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend? My goal is to go 4 to 5 times a week, including Saturdays. If I’m not there a Saturday, it is because I’m working! I usually go to the 6 pm class.
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout? I like everything with a barbell, except thrusters, but lately I’ve been developing a special love for overhead squats.
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout? I’m assuming running doesn’t count as a movement/workout, so Double Unders!!! I dislike any WOD with DU’s in them since I have not mastered them yet….and of course any WOD with thrusters. (shhh, and running!!)
What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown? Going to CFM is my therapy. My life is a pretty boring routine that can be summarized as follows: waking up, getting Gian Mateo ready for school, going to work, picking up my kid from school and going back home to get ready for the next day. Doing CrossFit is the only single hour in the whole day that is just for me, that I don’t have to think about anything else, and what better place to do it that CFM? Here I’ve found my outlet and really good people that make me feel just as good as being home.
Most embarrassing/funniest gym moment? Have you seen me do DUs?!?! There’s nothing funnier, unless you’ve seen me trying to do butterfly pull-ups. Actually, I don’t know which one is funnier.
Favorite thing about Birmingham? Besides getting to know all of you people at CFM, I love the willingness of people to help one another, the good food and the multiple local breweries. Who doesn’t love a good beer!?
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)? Inside the gym, I was finally able to RXed a WOD with DUs in it (took me forever but I did it), squatted more than #135 and DL more than #200. Outside the gym, I can say that after many, many years of studying I’m a little over 6 months away of completing my medical training, which will allow me to finally work and be able to provide for my son and family.
What is your favorite meal? A perfectly medium cooked filet mignon!
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit? Anything that involves family, specially anything that involves my son, Gian Mateo.
What is one goal that you are currently working on? Mastering those Double Unders, and keep improving my back squat weight.
Do you have a hidden talent? Don’t think so! What you see is what you get!
Tell us a fun/interesting fact not many people know about you:
1. They say I’m a bully, which I’m totally not!! It’s not bullying what I do, it’s character building.
2. I got pregnant while on the pill, so don’t trust it!!