Member since:
There’s no way to know.
What do you do for a living?
We sell baby powder out of our trunk at gas stations.
How did you hear about CrossFit?
Jeremy: I heard the clanging of metal and the victorious grunts of strong men and women reverberating in the echo chamber of the Cahaba Heights neighborhood and I was drawn helplessly like a shipwrecked sailor to the Siren’s call of Crossfit Mudtown.
How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend?
We try to go 5 days a week to one of the afternoon classes.
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout?
Jeremy: Hitting the gong as hard and as often as possible
Meredith: 10/10/10
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout?
Jeremy: Back Farts. You know when you do sit-ups on the black mat outside with no shirt on and every rep makes an embarrassing little fart sound?
Meredith: deadlifts
What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown?
Jeremy: Massive Gainz™️ and humiliating Jay Jernigan with my lifts and times.
Meredith: The atmosphere and programming create the perfect storm to challenge myself and to enjoy myself every workout.
Most embarrassing/funniest gym moment?
Jeremy: I recently smashed the hell out of the marker holder on the whiteboard while doing shoulder windmills on the wall.
Favorite thing about Birmingham?
Jeremy: It’s big enough to get lost in, but small enough that you can know almost everyone.
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)?
Jeremy: I’m most proud of the team I’ve built at Breakout and rehabbing my back from “this hurts real bad” to “this doesn’t hurt so bad anymore”
What is your favorite meal?
Jeremy: 45lbs plates and the pork ‘n greens at Saw’s
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit?
Jeremy: I host a leadership podcast called Bold Future, I’m passionate about supporting other entrepreneurs and I love sportz, expecially Alabama football.
Meredith: Laughing at jokes. This is my main interest and pursuit.
What is one goal that you are currently working on?
Jeremy: I want to interview LeBron James
Do you have a hidden talent?
All of our talents are hidden.
Tell us a fun/interesting fact not many people know about you.
Jeremy: I clip my fingernails every three days.
Meredith: one time Jeremy introduced me as the name of his old girlfriend.