If it’s 6:00am at CrossFit Mudtown, you can bet Lindsey will be there. For the past year and half that’s been her go-to class time. Rarely taking more than two days off! Staying consistent and patient in the process, Lindsey has gained so much strength and overall fitness. She’s a quiet (but confident) leader in the gym and we’re lucky to have her in the community.
Member since: April 2106
What do you do for a living? Stay at home Mom and lovin’ it
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout? My brother used to go on and on about CrossFit and I thought “Oh that’s not for me, I could never do that.” A couple years later, my husband decided to give it a try, and being the super competitive person that I am I said “oh no, not without me!” My first workout was CrossFit Total. It was a great workout to have as a starting point to my journey, now I can look back at that and see how far I’ve come.
How many days/week do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend? I attend the 6am class 5 days a week, unless mom duties or extreme soreness keep me home 🙂

Favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Overhead squat

Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Thruster of course

What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown? I never thought I could do CrossFit due to some heart issues I’ve dealt with for most of my life and although I do struggle sometimes, I’m amazed at what I’m capable of these days. I thank God literally everyday on my way to the gym for the privilege of getting to workout. That is what keeps me coming back, and of course the awesome 6am crew that pushes and encourages me! And shout out to my accountability and workout partner Julie McMakin who doesn’t let me skip a day!

Most embarrassing/funniest gym moment? It was back squat Monday. Mid squat I realized the weight was too heavy and I couldn’t stand back up. Instead of bailing out, I froze and the barbell rolled all the way down my back and onto the floor. Luckily, no one was injured.
Favorite thing about Birmingham? I love all the outdoor activities. My family and I enjoy camping, playing disc golf, mountain biking, swimming, etc. There’s always something to do.
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)? In the gym: pull ups and I just recently got chest-to-bar pull ups! Outside the gym: Being a wife and mom. God has a way of changing our plans to His plans and making life better than we could imagine.
What is your favorite meal? Chicken Shawarma from Eli’s Jerusalem Grill

What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit? Going to the beach, working on house projects with Forrest, and playing board games with anyone who will play!
What is one goal that you are currently working on? Still working on getting 5 strict pull-ups. I’m up to 2 so far.
Do you have a hidden talent? I can wiggle my ears
Tell us a fun/interesting fact not many people know about you. While in the Coast Guard I was a crane operator, which I actually thoroughly enjoyed.