Karen is a relatively new face at CrossFit Mudtown, but in the few months she’s been with us, she’s shown us an amazingly strong work ethic and drive to improve. Always smiling and welcoming, Karen embodies what the ‘CrossFit community’ is all about. Though in recent years she has been faced with medical obstacles, she has persevered to become stronger and healthier despite the adversity. Let’s get to know Karen!
Member since: 2/2016
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first experience/WOD? I started crossfit in 2014 through a few groupons. I’ve been to several boxes and landed at Crossfit 280 for 2 years. I moved to Mudtown because of the atmosphere, proximity, and sweet friends Patrick and Alisha Crossley! I remember feeling awesome the first time I lifted a weighted barbell over my head. Like, “Wow, I can really do this!”
How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend? I can only attend 3 days a week and usually try to make it to Back squat Mondays! Thankful for open gym on Saturday as well, to make up a WOD if I can only make it twice in a week. My work schedule changes constantly so I come when I can!
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout? I used to hate wall balls. And now I actually really like them. My favorite WODs are chipper WODs. I love variation and checking off a list!
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Front squats still make me feel like I’m dying.
What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown? I love the family atmosphere. I don’t have kids, and I don’t family close by. Thankful for the relationships that are growing with friends and families at Mudtown!
Favorite thing about Birmingham? I love the spring and fall (I’m from central FL; Palm trees don’t change color 😉 I also love all the little towns and parks that have such different vibes. It’s a very small big city.
What accomplishment are you the most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)? I can only give the Lord credit for my professional accomplishment. I’m a Physician Assistant in Orthopedic Surgery at St. Vincent’s Orthopedics and I absolutely love my job. I’ve wanted to be a “doctor” since I was 7 and until 2 years after college, didn’t even know PA existed. It’s a pretty amazing story actually. Inside of the gym, it would have to be just showing up. I was diagnosed with MS in 2011 and it was the catalyst for starting CrossFit. I struggle with waves of fatigue and CrossFit is the only thing that helps, though I have to be patient with myself and realize my limits. But overall, I am in better shape than before my diagnosis! CrossFit has really changed by life.
What is your favorite meal? My dad’s steaks, homemade salads, and fresh steamed broccoli. He’s the best cook in the world 😉
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit? I’m pretty active in my church (Brookhills) through choir, small groups, and serving around the city. I also love exploring the city, the food, and growing brewery culture.
What do you do for a living? see above!!
What is one goal that you are currently working on? My Olympic lifts/techniques and regaining my grip strength on the rig for pull-ups!