Member since:
R: Well, I came for a couple of months when we moved to Bham and then abandoned you guys for Pure Barre. It didn’t take me too long to come back, so I’ve been in a “committed relationship” with CFM since last November.
C: 2017
What do you do for a living?
R: CPA for RSM (public accounting – sounds fun right?)
C: Investment Analyst at Morgan Stanley
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout?
R: Cole started CrossFit before me, so he was the one that encouraged me to go. I have no clue what my first work out was, but apparently I liked it.
C: Got talked into crossfit in 2013 by my brother and first workout after fundamentals was Nancy ☠️
How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend?
R: try to stick to 4 times a week if I can. We used to be 6 am people, but we got a puppy that stole my mornings for a while (thanks Daisy). Now we go to the 6 pm class and love it so much. Plus, who doesn’t love sleeping past 5:45 am??
C: I try to go at least 3 times a week. The last few months I’ve been going to the 5-6 pm class.
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout?
R: This is weird but I really like wall balls. And rowing is cool too. Favorite lift would probably be power clean.
C: Double unders
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout?
R: TOES TO BAR. And deadlifts.
C: OHS/Nancy
What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown?
R: Every one is so encouraging & I leave feeling stronger each day.
C: The community aspect
Most embarrassing/funniest gym moment?
R: Uhh probably my lack of skill in flip cup that I showed everyone at the cookout. And also Josh Cosio destroying me with a foam burrito. Sorry if you weren’t there to witness it.
C: In Tuscaloosa, I was pulling weights off of my bar and threw the 10lb bumper plate on the ground. It’s rolled onto its side and about 20 feet straight into the glass door and shattered the door. There were about 30 people at the gym.
Favorite thing about Birmingham?
R: All the amazing food choices. We’re from Muscle Shoals, and there’s just not a TON of variety there so it has been fun getting to all these different restaurants. I can never decide where to eat! (sorry Cole).
C: The food and great breweries
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)?
R: Becoming a CPA for sure. I played tennis all through high school and won a state championship, so that was fun. Oh, and winning Cole Baker’s heart at the ripe old age of 14 😉 I really don’t have a stand-out “in the gym” accomplishment that I can think of, but once I get a muscle up I’ll let everyone know.
C: Professionally-I’ve recently just earned my Certified Investment Management Analyst designation. Gym- I placed as high percentage-wise as I ever have in The Open this year, so that let’s me know I really have been getting better!
What is your favorite meal?
R: Anything with avocado. Or chocolate (if you count chocolate as a meal like me). Or just take me to a Japanese restaurant and I’ll be happy.
C: Rebecca makes ground beef and cauliflower gnocchi with marinara sauce. It’s amazing
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit?
R: We’re pretty involved at Church of the Highlands, I love to cook and try new recipes when I have the time, and playing with our new pup Daisy (and my cat Opie, but he’s been around for a while).
C: I’m a big nerd outside of the gym. I like reading and built my own computer. Taking the dog to the park. Spikeball
What is one goal that you are currently working on?
R: I really want to do a muscle up…. someone help.
C: I’d like to think I’m working on mobility, but we all know that’s not true.
Do you have a hidden talent?
R: I wish. Cole’s the one in the relationship that can do just about anything… it’s annoying really.
C: Well if I told you it wouldn’t be hidden anymore
Tell us a fun/interesting fact not many people know about you!
R: We had a Backstreet Boy at our wedding 🙂 And I’ve moved 13 times but only lived in 3 cities….my dad really likes building houses.
C: We had Kevin Richardson, who is one of the Backstreet Boys, at our wedding.
When/how did you two meet each other?
R: Cole’s older brother was the youth director at my church, so he started coming to youth group when he was in 7th grade and I was in 8th. We were friends for a while, and then he made the move when he was in 9th grade and I was in 10th. Aaaand the rest is history.
C: I’ve known who Rebecca was since I was really young. We started dating at 14/15 after going to church together. 11 years later and we’ve been married for 3 years!