Chris shows us day in and day out what consistency looks like. Rain or shine Chris is at the gym 5+ days/week. Six months ago we hosted a healthy eating challenge and Chris went on to loose 30 pounds while simultaneously making strength gains. He has the willpower to push past the comfort zone in workouts which helps drive him toward his fitness goals. You might define him as the strong, silent type, but he has a big heart and cares about his friends and family deeply. We’re grateful to have Chris at our gym. What would we do without his signature longhorn sweat marks on the gym floor (see picture below)!
Member since: February 2016
What do you do for a living? I am a police officer with the city of Fultondale. I’ve been in law enforcement for almost 3 years, having started in the City of Fairfield for 2 of the 3 years.
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout? I was searching for something other than your typical gym and came across CrossFit. My first workout I can’t remember for certain, but I do know it was some kind of Chipper consisting of 5-6 movements at 30 reps of each movement. I remember there being a lot of squats and power cleans and push press.
How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend? I have been consistent with going 5 days and try to work in 6 days on my new work schedule. I am usually an early afternoon guy the first part of the week and a morning guy the last part of the week. However I have cherry picked some workouts depending on the coach due to the warm up (joking of course).
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Movement I have grown to love is the snatch due to it’s technical nature and being one of my weaker lifts. I can really see how I have been able to improve throughout the year. I don’t really have a favorite workout, however you throw in heavy weights with the workout and I will enjoy it. It helps put me be level with some of the others in the gym that are really good at metcon workouts.
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Movement is most definitely burpees. I hate them, but know they are a necessity so I will do them when needed. And workout, throw any metcon involving burpees and box jumps and I know I am in for a long session.
What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown? Mudtown is hands down the best CrossFit box I have been a part of. All the coaches and all the members have created an amazing non-intimidating atmosphere to be able to enjoy going day in and day out. All the coaches have been amazingly accommodating and do a great job of taking time to listen and talk with me about my goals and how I can accomplish them. I keep coming back for the pain, lol. Honestly I have set lofty goals for myself over the next 2 years and I know only through dedication and hard work and steady attendance can I obtain those goals. And once again the coaches have been amazing helping me on my journey.
Favorite thing about Birmingham? I would say that I have an amazing support group of family and friends outside of the gym. They are all here local and to me that has been one of the greatest blessings in my life.
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)? Outside: I would say my collegiate career. I was able to play football and throw the javelin for my college team (albeit at a smaller level). Despite my size and position I was able to be a sixth man of the bench for two years and start for two years in football at the college level. And one of the things I am most proud of would be winning a Conference Championship in javelin as a junior in college.
What is your favorite meal? Chicken Wings hands down. My dad is great at frying them up for me and my friends on occasion for big games and events that we try to get together for.
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit? Shooting. Getting paid to go to the range is pretty nice. Golfing however I haven’t had the time I would like to hit the links. Watching sports, Go UK Wildcats! And playing basketball and softball.
What is one goal that you are currently working on? I have set a 2 year goal to be competitive for the 2018 games, and hope to at least compete for a spot in regionals, however I would settle for helping Mudtown send a team to regionals.
Do you have a hidden talent? I honestly can’t think of a hidden talent off the top of my head.
Tell us a fun/interesting fact not many people know about you. I was born and raised in Kentucky hence the Wildcats obsession, and moved here when I was 10. Most people have trouble answering what position I played in football in college (Offensive Line). At 5-10 225 I don’t blame them, but my playing weight was between 265-270. I may have been small but I was the meanest one on the field, and I am extremely competitive so I would do everything in my power to make sure I would beat the person across from me. A lot of that has carried over to the gym (I know I will smirk and put 5 pounds more than what say… Clint may have done on a upper body lift earlier in the morning just because of my competitiveness).