Since joining CFM two summers ago, Bethany and Jason have made quite the impact on our community. You can typically find them in the last class of the day and they’re hard to miss – Bethany because she’s usually talking/making people laugh and Jason because he’s usually cleaning 2x body weight without breaking a sweat. Friends of these two know how great they are as individuals and how awesome they are as a couple. If you don’t know them, you should make it a point to meet them because they are sure to add some light to your life!
Members since:May 2017
What do you two do for a living?
B: I’ve been a student for 5000 years, but I will finally graduate with my clinical doctorate in physical therapy on May 1, 2020!
J: I work with Retail Specialists as a Commercial Property Manager mostly dealing with shopping centers and mixed-use developments.
How did you two hear about CrossFit and what was your first workout?
B: Jason started CrossFit first and I hadn’t heard much about it prior to that, but I started to get jealous that Jason was having all this fun with his cool, new CrossFit friends. #FOMO. My first workout was a team workout where we did farmer’s carries, sled pushes, and a bunch of other awful strongman stuff. I could hardly even hold onto the 35# KB for more than 10 meters. I cried after the workout and told Jason I was never coming back.
J: I first heard about CrossFit in 2012 and was mostly doing circuit style workouts in Golds gym with some buddies from high school. After moving to Tuscaloosa in 2013 for college, I joined CrossFit Candor and have been at it ever since.
How many days do you two CrossFit? What classes do you two normally attend?
B: I attend 3-4 classes a week depending on my school schedule. I am a diehard attendee of the 6 PM class (formerly known as the 6:30 class, aka best class ever).
J: Typically I attend 4-5 days per week at the 6pm class. Despite having a few members move away, this is easily the best class at CFM.
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout?
B: I like front squats, cleans, double-unders, and toes to bar. I think my favorite format of workout is a chipper? Who knows
J: Ring muscle ups without a doubt. Favorite workout would probably be Cindy. Anything with lots of bodyweight movements!
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout?
B: I jokingly complain a lot, but there isn’t much I truly dislike about CrossFit. If I HAD to choose, I’d probably say wall balls…or maybe snatches, and any work out that throws a lot of running in the mix.
J: Wallballs and Rowing…both of which we do a lot of at CFM.
What motivates you/keeps you two coming back to CrossFit Mudtown?
B: I think I’ve made it very clear that I come to the gym exclusively to socialize and for no reason other than that. The whole working out thing is just a consequence of my need to be around people. All joking aside, I keep coming back to CFM because I firmly believe that functional movement is essential for health and wellness in the long haul. #useitorloseit I can’t tell my patients to take care of themselves if I don’t live that out in my personal life. I also love the scalability of CrossFit, because it truly is for everyone if you have the right coaches and go to the right gym, which we definitely do!
J: Easily the community. We’ve made some great friends at Mudtown and are getting healthier along the way.
Most embarrassing/funniest gym moment?
B: Probably the time that I told literally everyone that I squatted 200# (and even posted on all social media because I was so excited), but I had actually counted the weights incorrectly and didn’t realize it until months later when I was looking at the picture I took to commemorate the moment. Don’t worry, I later redeemed myself…
Favorite thing about Birmingham?
B: The food and drink scene, as well as proximity to lots of things that we love (lake, bama football games in Tuscaloosa, family in Huntsville, Nashville, Atlanta, etc.)
J: Definitely all of the new restaurants and bars opening up lately.
What accomplishment are you most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)?
B: Outside of the gym, I am most proud of my academic successes and the leadership and research opportunities that I’ve been afforded because of it. I am a nerd at heart, and I love to learn. I hope I never stop! Inside of the gym, I was pretty psyched the first time that I squatted 200# (see most embarrassing moment above…).
What is your favorite meal?
B: This one is hard, I love food! Either tacos or steak frites.
J: Favorite meal in Birmingham right now is the whole hog plate from Martins.
What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit?
B: I love going to the lake/pool, watching Netflix, going on walks/hiking, watching any kind of sports, and binge watching makeup tutorials on YouTube (my guilty pleasure).
J: Anything outdoors really. Skiing, hunting, fishing, etc. Also a big fan of looking at houses on Zillow and really anything to do with real estate.
What is one goal that you are currently working on?
B: I am currently working towards getting my pelvic floor certification, which is a specialization in the field of physical therapy that will allow me to manage patients with diagnoses of pelvic health dysfunction, such as urinary incontinence and pelvic pain, as well as pregnant and postpartum patients experiencing musculoskeletal dysfunction and high risk pregnancy. I begin the Level 1 course this August and will continue working towards this after graduation!
Do you have a hidden talent?
B: Both of us can do the worm, although only one of us has proven this publicly…I’ll let you decide which one of us did that.
J: I have gotten pretty good at flossing in the last few months.
Tell us a fun/interesting fact not many people know about you.
J: I have a twin brother that lives in Nashville.