Get Started at CrossFit Mudtown

  • We’re always taking on students for OnRamp or personal training. Please give us a call to learn more, 205-790-2019.
    • OnRamp – 3 one-on-one sessions with a coach to learn the basic movements and intensity of CrossFit. After OnRamp, you are encouraged to jump into our group classes.
    • Personal training – one-on-one sessions with a coach to hit whatever your personal goals are (e.g. lose weight, become a better Olympic weightlifter, etc.)
  • If you have participated in CrossFit before checkout our membership options and sign-up for a FREE trial class.

July Member Spotlight

Caleb Crosby

Caleb started working out with us soon after our doors opened and has been a consistent member ever since. Alwayscrosby family positive and encouraging Caleb is a fellow gym member people look up too (literally though, he’s 6’5″). As a former professional athlete, Caleb thrives on competition and the competitive side of CrossFit keeps him coming back. He gets the opportunity to push himself and have fun doing it.  All the hours he has put in has not gone unnoticed. Caleb recently completed is 200th class at CrossFit Mudtown! Let’s get to know him better…

Member since: May 2015

How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first experience/WOD? I began to hear about it when the movie 300 came out but did not try it till sometime in 2012 it a guys garage. The first WOD I did was a partner one where one partner lunged 100 feet with a 25 pound plate while the other one did burpees in the grass till they returned for 5 rounds.

Caleb squat
Caleb performing the low bar back squat. That’s how we roll every Monday.

How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend? I shoot for 4 days a week. Normally the 6am.

Favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Overhead squat

Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout? Burpee

What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown? I like the competition with myself and energy that it gives.

Favorite thing about Birmingham? The restaurants

What accomplishment are you the most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)? Being a Dad.

Caleb tuff love comp
Caleb competing at the Tuff Love competition in February 2016.

What is your favorite meal? Any type of fresh fish cooked well.

What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit? Anything outdoors, hunting, fishing, dirt bikes, fourwheelers, coaching kids sports.

What do you do for a living? Run the Alabama Policy Institute. Have a business that does accounting and compliance work for political organizations. I also tinker with a few other ventures as well.

What is one goal that you are currently working on? 3X5 squats at 350.