December Member Spotlight
Patrick & Alisha Crossley
Patrick and Alisha bring a wonderful attitude and work ethic to their training at CrossFit Mudtown. Not only are they fun to be around, but they’re both intelligent and well dressed to boot. They brought their family to us in June and we’re so glad they did. Now for the details…
How did you hear about CrossFit and what was your first experience/WOD?
Patrick: I started Crossfit in 2012. My first WOD was Angie and I couldn’t do an unassisted pull-up. I cut the reps in half, scaled all of the movements, and it still took me forever.
Alisha: I started Crossfit six months after Patrick. I came into CF tired, depressed and incredibly out of shape. Within one month, I felt insanely better!
How many days do you CrossFit? What classes do you normally attend?
Patrick: I go 5 days a week, typically 6am.
Alisha: I aim for 4-5x week. Fall is peak season for me as a photographer, so I am starting to get back into my normal routine 😉
Favorite CrossFit movement/workout?
Patrick: Snatches and box jumps
Alisha: Squats. I just love to squat.
Least favorite CrossFit movement/workout?
Patrick: Wall-balls.
Alisha: Pull-ups
What motivates you/keeps you coming back to CrossFit Mudtown?
Patrick: I love the individual styles that each coach brings to CFM. They are all very different, but help us focus on different aspects of our fitness to be well-rounded athletes. I particularly enjoy the high level of technical instruction we get on Olympic lifts.
Alisha: Our coaches are phenomenal. The community that has been created is incredibly welcoming and diverse. I love our childcare program and the ability to WOD knowing that my littles are being cared for fully. I am continuously motivated and challenged yet never made to feel inadequate or lacking by our coaches or programming. That’s a tough a balance for any box to achieve and Mudtown does it better than anywhere we’ve been!

Favorite thing about Birmingham?
Patrick: The food. We have some of the best restaurants in the country here.
Alisha: What Patrick said. Our local food scene is exceptional.
What accomplishment are you the most proud of (outside and inside of the gym)?
Patrick: In the gym, I’m proud of how much my strength has improved this year. I’ve hit several PR’s recently and I feel like I have much more room for growth. Outside of the gym I’m most proud of my family. We are chaotic and usually tired, but I still look forward to coming home to them every day.
Alisha: I am most proud for getting to a place where I appreciate my body more for what it can accomplish rather than what it looks like (or weighs). As a female, I think there is a societal pressure most of us can relate to. Crossfit has allowed me to appreciate my thick legs and what they can squat instead of continuously wishing them away 🙂 Outside of the gym, I am most proud of my family and business. It has been humbling to watch the growth of both over the years. I feel so undeserving and so very thankful.
What is your favorite meal?
Patrick: Beef filet with smashed potatoes or pizza and beer.
Alisha: Macaroni and Cheese … or Sushi.

What are some of your interests outside of CrossFit?
Patrick: I love college football and attending the occasional Alabama game with my better half.
Alisha: I really enjoy traveling with Patrick and our littles. P and I try to break away solo at least twice a year and adventure together. Some of our favorite places include Rosemary Beach, Disney World and Savannah.
What do you do for a living?
Patrick: I work for Southern Company as the Project and Engineering Manager for the research and technology group. We work on development of clean power technologies.
Alisha: I am a photographer … I specialize in weddings but capture an eclectic mix from time to time.
What is one goal that you are currently working on?
Patrick: I’ve had a 185# snatch on my goal list for a long time. I hope to get there before the end of the year.
Alisha: I am focusing heavily on my nutritional needs and how my foods impact my workouts and energy level. I really love macro counting and am working on the perfect numerical balance to lean out slowly